Golden syrup is a century-old sweetener in Britain. Here's why it's suddenly popular. (2024)

Daryl AustinUSA TODAY

While most of what we eat or drink is sweetened naturally or during the manufacturing process, many people like to further sweeten their foods and beverage to taste. Be it Splenda in coffee, maple syrup on pancakes, or brown sugar over oatmeal,sweeteners take many forms.

They also vary by country: Germany likes Stevia, Mexico favorsagave, Japan uses mizuame or "water candy," theCentral African Republic opts to sweeten foods with honey, and the United Statesconsumes more table sugarthan any other country. One of the mostenduring sweeteners across the United Kingdom - one that is now also increasing in popularity in other parts of the world - is golden syrup.

What is golden syrup?

Golden syrup is a thick, amber-colored syrup that is similar in color and appearance to maple syrup, but witha consistency closer to honey anda distinct taste of its own. Though sweet, golden syrup also has a"buttery, caramel-like flavor," saysKate Zeratsky,a registered dietitian nutritionist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

Treacle comes in two varieties: black and light. Black treacle is the stronger tasting and bittersweet option, while the light version of treacle is the one called golden syrup and is by far the more popular of the two. In fact, light treacle was referenced by none other than boy wizard Harry Potter. "In the Harry Potter series, Harry's favorite dessert is 'treacle tart,' which is made using shortcrust pastry and a filling made from light treacle," explainsJen Messer, a nutrition consultant and registered dietitian atJen Messer Nutrition.

This light treacle, or golden syrup, is a byproduct of sugar refining that's made from sucrose, which is regular table sugar. Sucrose consists of two simple sugars: glucose and fructose, and in order to make golden syrup, "thesucrose is partially inverted so the chemical bond between the glucose and fructose is broken down," explains Messer. Citric acid and heat helps in that process, and the end result is "a mixture of glucose and fructose molecules with some sucrose remaining in the solution," says Messer.

It's commercially manufacturedunder several brands, but Lyle's Golden Syrup is among the most popular, in part because it's been around for so long. It's even been recognized byGuinness World Recordsfor having the world’s oldest branding since its packaging has remained almost completely unchanged since 1885.

What is the American name for golden syrup?

While golden syrup is very common across Europe, Messer says it's also gaining popularity in Australia,New Zealand and beyond. Where it isn't available, homemadegolden syrup recipes abound - each usually consisting of sugar, water and citric acid.

In America, one of the most commonly perceived equivalents of golden syrup is corn syrup, but that's mostly because corn syrup is as readily available in American pantries as golden syrup is in British ones. "The main difference between corn syrup and golden syrup is in the manufacturing," explains Zeratsky; corn syrup is made from corn starch, while golden syrup is made from sugar.

In the U.S., golden syrup is usually sold under the name of light treacle, but it's not readily available in many grocery stores. In cooking recipes, molasses and light treacle are often used interchangeably because their textures and flavor profiles are similar.

Is golden syrup better for you than other syrups?

Similar to corn syrup, molasses, and other liquid sweeteners, golden syrup doesn't have much to offer by way ofnutritional value. "Golden syrup is really just sugar in syrup form, so you ought to treat it like any other added sugar," saysJill Weisenberger, a Virginia-based registered dietician and author of "Prediabetes: A Complete Guide."

TheU.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) says that,based on a 2,000-calorie diet,a healthy daily amount ofadded sugarsshould be limited to no more than 50 grams, or about 12 teaspoons. TheAmerican Heart Associationrecommends even less. "While golden syrup is often used in traditional recipes, it is still a sweetener, and excessive consumption of any added sugars can contribute to health issues such as weight gain and an increased risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease," says Messer. "The key with any sweetener, including golden syrup, is to use it in moderation."

More: Too many added sugars in your diet can be dangerous. This should be your daily limit.

Golden syrup is a century-old sweetener in Britain. Here's why it's suddenly popular. (2024)


What do the British use golden syrup for? ›

Golden Syrup Uses

Treacle tarts are one of the most popular uses for golden syrup. This British dessert is baked with golden syrup as well as ginger, ginger syrup, lemon, eggs and breadcrumbs. Golden syrup can be used in recipes in lieu of corn syrup or honey.

Why does golden syrup taste so good? ›

The free fructose content gives the syrup a taste sweeter than that of an equivalent solution of white sugar; when substituting golden syrup for white sugar, about 25% less golden syrup is needed for the same level of sweetness.

What is golden syrup called in the USA? ›

Also known as light treacle, golden syrup makes its way into recipes with treacle in the title, like this Blood Orange Treacle Pudding. It's not to be confused with treacle, however, which is closer to molasses or dark corn syrup in its consistency, though it doesn't quite have the same flavor.

How bad for you is golden syrup? ›

"While golden syrup is often used in traditional recipes, it is still a sweetener, and excessive consumption of any added sugars can contribute to health issues such as weight gain and an increased risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease," says Messer.

What is the American equivalent to golden syrup? ›

Golden syrup is mainly produced and sold in Europe and Australia, but in America, it is known as light treacle. So in the USA, the most obvious choice for a golden syrup substitute is light treacle, as they are the same thing!

Is golden syrup healthier than honey? ›

Golden syrup is made up of sugar and water. Therefore, it is in no comparison healthier than honey. However, honey is a natural sweetener with nutrients, whereas golden syrup is empty calories. Therefore, honey is more nutritious than golden syrup.

Is golden syrup healthier than white sugar? ›

However, unlike varieties of brown sugars that have slight nutritional benefits over white sugar, golden syrup has no dietary advantage; there is no real difference nutritionally.

How long will golden syrup last? ›

Flavour syrups, particularly golden syrup and treacle are quite stable and have a useful life in excess of 2 years and thus do not require a 'use by date'. There may be some darkening of golden syrup over time.

What's better maple or golden syrup? ›

Maple syrup is produced by concentrating the sap of maple tree, whereas golden syrup is created as a by-product of inverting sugar cane. Nutritionally, maple syrup is the healthier choice due to golden syrup's high sugar content.

Why is there a dead lion on golden syrup? ›

According to the company's website, Lyle had strong religious views, which is why the logo depicts the story of Samson from the Old Testament, in which Samson killed an attacking lion, and later noticed a swarm of bees had formed a comb of honey in the carcass.

Can I replace golden syrup with honey? ›

Honey: Similar in color, taste, and texture to golden syrup, honey is a good substitute for treacle. Look for a thick amber honey, rather than a super-light honey. Use the same amount of honey as you would golden syrup in a recipe.

What can I use if I don't have golden syrup? ›

To sum it up, the best golden syrup substitutes are light corn syrup and brown rice syrup. However, agave nectar, honey, maple syrup and cane syrup are also quite good alternatives. Making your own homemade version of golden syrup is also a great easy option.

Is golden syrup bad for your teeth? ›

If you prefer to add golden syrup to your pancake, bear in mind that golden syrup is pure sugar, and is extremely sticky, so can be difficult to remove from your teeth. The longer it lingers on your teeth, the more damage it can do, so rinse away syrupy residue from your mouth by drinking a glass of water after eating.

Is golden syrup a laxative? ›

Golden syrup can also help to improve digestion and can be used as a natural laxative. Additionally, it can help to reduce inflammation and can be used to treat sore throats and other respiratory ailments.

How much sugar is in 1 teaspoon of golden syrup? ›

Golden Syrup
Typical ValuesPer 100glevel metric teaspoon (7g)
Total Carbohydrates71.4g5g
5 more rows
Jan 19, 2018

Can I use honey instead of golden syrup? ›

Honey: Similar in color, taste, and texture to golden syrup, honey is a good substitute for treacle. Look for a thick amber honey, rather than a super-light honey. Use the same amount of honey as you would golden syrup in a recipe.

Is golden syrup and maple syrup the same thing? ›

Maple syrup is produced by concentrating the sap of maple tree, whereas golden syrup is created as a by-product of inverting sugar cane. Nutritionally, maple syrup is the healthier choice due to golden syrup's high sugar content.

Is golden syrup a substitute for sugar? ›

Golden syrup can be a delightful alternative to sugar in cakes. Its high fructose content allows you to use a quarter less golden syrup than the sugar required in the recipe, but you will still achieve the same level of sweetness – allowing you to enjoy a deliciously sweet cake.

Is golden syrup the same as molasses? ›

Golden syrup, or light treacle, is a thick sugar syrup. With its golden, amber color, it is lighter than molasses, though the two are similar in their thickness. Golden syrup also a liquid sweetener, so 1 cup of golden syrup can replace 1 cup of molasses.

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