Substitute For Treacle | Ask (2024)

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I’d love to try the Cider and 5 Spice Bundt Cake, but don’t have any black treacle at home. What other readily available product could I use please?

Our answer

Nigella's Cider And 5-Spice Bundt Cake (from SIMPLY NIGELLA) is a moist, fragrant cake that is similar in style to a sticky gingerbread cake. It is made with brown sugar and treacle as these provide a depth of flavour as well as sweetness and moisture to the cake.

If you don't have treacle then you can use molasses as an alternative. We would not use extra sugar instead of the treacle as treacle is an invert sugar, which particularly helps to keep the cake moist. Golden syrup or agave syrup would be the next alternatives, but they don't have the slightly bitter bite of treacle and could make the cake slightly too sweet.

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Substitute For Treacle | Ask (2024)


Substitute For Treacle | Ask ›

Our answer

What is the American equivalent of black treacle? ›

Molasses. Black treacle is often the British counterpart to North America's molasses. The two are similar in color and viscosity and used in the same way.

Are golden syrup and treacle the same thing? ›

Golden syrup, also called bakers molasses or light treacle, has a golden colour and intensely sweet, butterscotch-like flavour. It is about 25 percent sweeter than regular sugar. ⁠ Treacle is a darker version of golden syrup and is sometimes called dark or black treacle.

Is treacle just molasses? ›

The black treacle manufactured by Ragus is a mixture of refiner's syrup and molasses, resulting in a flavour that is like molasses but presents a smoother, softer and rounder taste. The molasses gives treacle its dark colour, distinct from other syrups, such as golden syrup.

What is the best substitute for black treacle? ›

Our answer

If you don't have treacle then you can use molasses as an alternative. We would not use extra sugar instead of the treacle as treacle is an invert sugar, which particularly helps to keep the cake moist.

What is the American name for treacle? ›

More commonly known as treacle or black treacle or, in the US as blackstrap molasses, molasses are essentially what is left over after cane sugar is boiled to produce sugar and most of the sugar has been extracted.

Can I use blackstrap molasses instead of black treacle? ›

Regular molasses can be used as a substitute for treacle, but blackstrap molasses can be very bitter and is not always a good substitute. It depends on your personal taste, as if you like the bitterness then you could use the blackstrap molasses.

What is treacle in British baking? ›

Treacle (/ˈtriːkəl/) is any uncrystallised syrup made during the refining of sugar. The most common forms of treacle are golden syrup, a pale variety, and black treacle, a darker variety similar to molasses. Black treacle has a distinctively strong, slightly bitter flavor, and a richer color than golden syrup.

Is maple syrup like treacle? ›

Maple syrup is made from maple trees and the sugary liquid is reduced to syrup. Golden syrup is made from plants. Golden syrup or light treacle is a thick amber-coloured form of inverted sugar syrup made in the process of refining sugar cane or sugar beet juice into sugar, or by treatment of a sugar solution with acid.

What is the American version of British golden syrup? ›

In the U.S., golden syrup is usually sold under the name of light treacle, but it's not readily available in many grocery stores. In cooking recipes, molasses and light treacle are often used interchangeably because their textures and flavor profiles are similar.

What is an English treacle? ›

Treacle is a by-product of the sugar refining process, it's what remains when sugar cane juice is boiled down to produce grains of sugar.

Can you buy a treacle? ›

Lyles Black Treacle 454G - Tesco Groceries.

What did Americans substitute for treacle as an ingredient? ›

Treacle is a generic British term for any syrup made during the refining of sugar cane. Later, refined sugar became more affordable and overtook treacle as a sweetener. However, colonial Americans often substituted molasses for treacle in their recipes.

Do Americans have treacles? ›

Black treacle is called Molasses in the U.S. We use it when making things like ginger bread or oatmeal bread.

Can you sub molasses for a treacle? ›

Both molasses and treacle are byproducts of the sugar-refining process, though treacle is most commonly used in the United Kingdom. Treacle can be easily substituted for molasses, and vice versa, though the sweetness and consistency will be subtly different.

Is treacle sold in the US? ›

Treacle is also used in some savory applications, like for curing bacon or glazing meats, much the way molasses is included in American barbecue sauces. As its name implies, black treacle ($10.99, is much darker in color than light (golden) treacle.

Can I replace golden syrup with black treacle? ›

Treacle is dark and black whilst golden syrup is lighter and golden coloured. Treacle will colour your baking black and give it a tarry flavour, whilst golden syrup will give it a sweet and sickly flavour, and won't colour it much. Generally you want golden syrup, treacle should be used for only a few items.

What is also known as black treacle? ›

To most, black treacle is known as a slightly smoother version of molasses that some refer to as having a caramelised toffee taste. In industrial applications, black treacle is used as a liquid sweetener, natural colourant and flavouring for sauces, baked products, confectionery and desserts.

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