An Electric Current Is Generated When A Coil Of Wire Passes Through A Magneticfield. A Device For Detecting (2024)

Biology College


Answer 1

Answer: Galvanometer

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How to get Live Imaging of the Cellular Genome via CRISPR System?

The spatiotemporal organization of chromatin structure plays a critical role in regulating lineage-specific gene expression during cellular differentiation and embryonic development, via contributing to the functional output of the genome, which can be dynamically amplified or suppressed. However, there is little known about how the genomes being modified and how their structural organization regulating function output.



a catalytically inactive Cas9 enzyme (dCas9) is fused to fluorescent labels (e.g., GFP)


The CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing system consists of two parts: 1- a Caspase enzyme called 'Cas9' with catalytic activity that cuts DNA strands by hydrolyzing phosphodiester bonds, and 2-a single guide RNA (sgRNA) that directs Cas9 to target sites with complementarity to nucleotides of the sgRNA in order to edit these sequences. Using a catalytically dead Cas9 (dCas9) it is possible to repurpose the CRISPR-Cas9 system, for example, by fusing dCas9 to epigenetic enzymes for epigenome editing or by fusing dCas9 to the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) for imaging of the cellular genome. Thus, it is possible to use dCas9 to create a customizable DNA labeler that can be complemented with a fluorescence microscope and thus track multiple genomic loci in living cells.

What does the flagella do in a euglenoid?



Euglena move by a flagellum (plural ‚ flagella), which is a long whip-like structure that acts like a little motor. The flagellum is located on the anterior (front) end, and twirls in such a way as to pull the cell through the water. It is attached at an inward pocket called the reservoir.

When one glucose molecule travels through the glycolysis processes, four molecules of ATP are generated. Is it accurate to suggest that glycolysis produces two ATP molecules?





Technically, this is inaccurate. To say that glycolysis produces two ATP molecules strays from the input of ATP needed. Overall, 4 ATP molecules are produced during glycolysis. However, there is an input of 2 ATP molecules at the beginning. Therefore, the correct statement would be that glycolysis produces 2 net ATP molecules, not that glycolysis produces 2 ATP molecules. (The word net makes a big difference!!).

When O2 binds to heme in hemoglobin, the ion is drawn into the plane of the porphyrin causing a conformational change that is transmitted to adjacent subunits enhancing the for additional O2 binding. Group of answer choices Fe2 ; affinity Mg2 ; folding Mg2 ; planarity Fe3 ; affinity


Answer: Fe2 ; affinity


Hemoglobin is the specialised protein which are present in red blood cells which gives it the ability to carry oxygen to the tissues and return carbondioxide from the tissues to the lungs.

The hemoglobin is made up of

--> a heme group: this consists of a ferrous iron ( Fe2) and a surrounding porphyrin ring.

--> globin.

As the haemoglobin molecule loads and unloads oxygen (O2) the individual globin chains in the hemoglobin molecule move on each other. When oxygen is unloaded the beta chains are pulled apart, permitting entry of the metabolite 2,3-diphosphoglycerate resulting in a lower affinity of the molecule for oxygen and higher affinity for carbondioxide.

Also, when the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in the blood is high, the beta chains move close together, O2 binds to heme in hemoglobin, the ion Fe2 is drawn into the plane of the porphyrin causing a conformational change that is transmitted to adjacent subunits enhancing the AFFINITY for additional O2 binding.

What is the kinetic theory of matter? How does it relate to the motion of molecules?​



kinetic energy is energy that object has because of its motion .The kinetic molecules theory explain the forces between molecules and the energy that they possess. matter is composed of small particle's(atom,molecules,and icon)

Recessive traits are

A.Traits that everyone wants

B. Traits that are shown over other traits

C. Traits that are hidden by other traits

D. Traits that no one wants​


b traits that are shown over other traits

Energy is transferred from the Sun to Earth many by


Energy is transferred from the Sun to Earth mainly by [tex]\sf\purple{electromagnetic\:waves\:or\:radiation}[/tex].

D. electromagnetic waves.

[tex]\circ \: \: { \underline{ \boxed{ \sf{ \color{green}{Happy\:learning.}}}}}∘[/tex]

Pls help I’ll brainlest

You can pick more than one I think

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Questions 1-9 of 9 Page 1 of 1
Question 1 point)
1. The arctic tundra is a tragile ecosystem. Use the pictures and descriptions in section 2 to answer the following:
Based on your observations of the ecosystem, which of the following characteristics is TRUE about the fragile tundra

Answer please


This question is incomplete because the images a section 2 are not given. I searched for the complete question but could not find it. However, based on my knowledge and the characteristics of the tundra this is the answer.

The correct answer is C. The climate is harsh, which limits the number of species that can live there.


The tundra is the name of an ecosystem that occupies a fifth of the earth's surface, mainly in the northern hemisphere, this is characterized by having a frozen subsoil that limits the emergence and growth of natural vegetation and trees. This ecosystem is the coldest on the planet due to its location near the poles, its landscape is characterized by a layer of snow that covers most of the ground. In addition, the climatic conditions are extreme, which limits the number of plant and animal species that can live there. According to the above, the correct answer is C. The climate is harsh, which limits the number of species that can live there.

Question 29 (3 points)
Predict a change in the Earth's surface or effect observed at each of the following for
1 point each:



Divergent boundaries occur along spreading centers where plates are moving apart and new crust is created by magma pushing up from the mantle. Picture two giant conveyor belts, facing each other but slowly moving in opposite directions as they transport newly formed oceanic crust away from the ridge crest.

Perhaps the best known of the divergent boundaries is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This submerged mountain range, which extends from the Arctic Ocean to beyond the southern tip of Africa, is but one segment of the global mid-ocean ridge system that encircles the Earth. The rate of spreading along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge averages about 2.5 centimeters per year (cm/yr), or 25 km in a million years. This rate may seem slow by human standards, but because this process has been going on for millions of years, it has resulted in plate movement of thousands of kilometers. Seafloor spreading over the past 100 to 200 million years has caused the Atlantic Ocean to grow from a tiny inlet of water between the continents of Europe, Africa, and the Americas into the vast ocean that exists today.



What is unusual about the cell walls of acid-fast-positive bacteria that makes them difficult to stain without heat


Acid-Fast Bacteria possess a unique cell wall architecture different from both gram negative and gram positive bacteria. The thick outer mycolic acid layer renders acid-fast bacteria resistant to gram stain.

Certain species of blind fish living in perpetual darkness in the ocean depths have evolved from ancestors that could see. Research indicates that the brain centers for vision in these fish is degenerating, whereas the brain centers controlling other senses are enlarging. What might be the MOST probable reason for the loss of vision in these fish




Evolution for lack of light. If there is no reason for it you lose the ability but it strengthens other senses. It's compensation. The need to tell if the temperature has increased because of something nearby or ability to feel miniscule movement will increase to compensate for that lack of sense.

Computer simulations are __________ ?
1) Dry lab
2) In-silico
3) In-vitro
4) Wet lab



2) In-silico


Hope it helps!

Briefly explain the characteristics of vertebrates?​



A vertebrate is anything with a backbone. Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and some fish. These organisms with a backbone would be categorized as Phylum Chordata. (Chordates, meaning chord, or spinal chord).


In the picture below the purple circles represent salt molecules. Which way would
the water molecules move across the membrane

Right to left toward the higher concentration of salt

Left to right away from the higher concentration of Salt


Left to right away from the higher concentration of salt. Fluids try to be in balance, with equal distribution of what’s dissolved in them.

in a school 58% of the total number of students are boys in the number of girls is 814 how many number of students are in the class​



See below.


Given that 58% of the students are boys, 42% must be girls.

42% = 0.42.

x = unknown number of students

0.42x = 814

x = 1938 (about equal to)

Identify the complementary strand of DNA with the sequence: ACC GTA TCG






because it's there opposite letter


4 b.c a is equal with t and g is equal to c

True or false: If we extracted DNA from thyroid and neural tissues, we would find the CALCA gene in both types of cells.





The calcitonin/calcitonin gene-related peptide (CALCA) gene is used to encode different peptide sequences (i.e., calcitonin hormone, calcitonin-related peptides and katacalcin) through alternative RNA splicing. These peptides have different functions. Calcitonin is a hormone mainly produced by cells of the thyroid gland, which is involved in the control of levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood. Moreover, katacalcin is a peptide synthesized from the same precursor of calcitonin (and therefore also mainly produced by cells of the thyroid gland), which is implicated in both calcium regulation and skeletal maintenance. Finally, the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a peptide mainly produced by sensory nerves (type Aδ fibers ), which is involved in pain pathways. The CALCA gene has attracted considerable attention from geneticists because it is specifically expressed in neuroendocrine tissues in normal conditions and abnormally induced in septic conditions (i.e., during the body's extreme response to an infection).


What is the % phenotype for this cross if round is the dominant trait?

A. 25% round, 75% wrinkled

B. 50% round, 50% wrinkled

C. 75% round, 25% wrinkled

D. 100%, round, 0% wrinkled ​​



100% Heterozygous Dominant (Rr)

Hope this helps!

What are the reasons why people are challenging the relevance of the Voting Rights Act today? Do you agree or disagree with these reasons?


People are challenging the the relevance because they don’t want people to vote and I disagree because it is not right to take away voting rights and automatically make someone president.

If plants are absorbing and using blue and red light, what must be happening to other colours of light, like green and yellow?



If plants are absorbing blue and red light other colors such as green and yellow are being reflected. For example, a green plant absorbs all colors of light and reflects green, which gives it its green color.

Plants absorb and use blue and red lights during the process of photosynthesis, and the electrons get excited which carry out other pathways. While the lights like green and yellow which are not absorbed are reflected which are visible to our eyes.

What is light absorption in plants?

Plants contain a pigment in the chloroplast which is known as chlorophyll. This pigment is present in all the green plants, it is responsible for trapping the light energy which comes from the Sun or artificial source.

Chlorophyll absorbs the light of different wavelengths in the visible range of light. This is known as absorption spectrum of the plant. Rest of the other wavelengths of light are reflected from the plant body which are visible to the eyes.

The wavelengths of red and blue lights show maximum rate of photosynthesis in comparison to other lights.

Learn more about Plants here:


Based on your knowledge of roots and affixes which is most likely definition of the word microscopic?



Microscopy is the science of investigating small objects and structures using a microscope. ... Microscopic means being invisible to the eye unless aided by a microscope.

Is this the right answer?





The sperm does ferbilaise the egg. So its Mendel and Gene

write a letter to your uncle telling him what you want to become in future and why you want to become​



I want to become a Game Designer


Because while you construct a game you get to test it out as many times as you need to and playing video games are very enjoyable.

I want to become a lawyer: because I enjoy arguing with people

When a tree is cut down, does the amount of carbon inside the tree stay the same, increase or decrease?



Decrease, it flows out


Around 30 million acres of forests are lost every year to deforestation, which results in the release of more than 1.5 billion tonnes of CO2. The Rainforest Alliance states that 10 per cent of worldwide emissions are caused by deforestation.

10. Most cells are microscopic. Very few, like the eggs we eat, are visible to the unaided eye. Why have cells evolved to be small versus very large structures visible to the human eye


Answer: Efficient functioning.


Cells require a lot of substances to both come into and leave the cell in order for the cell to accomplish it's functions. These substances can be anything from carbohydrates to water and they come into the cell through diffusion and osmosis.

The thing about diffusion however, is that it happens faster over shorter distances than longer distances. This is why cells are so small. They evolved to be that size to ensure that diffusion of these substances takes place relatively quickly so that they can use these substances to carry out their functions at a faster rate.

Pls help

Which type of reproduction provides organisms with the following advantages? Desirable traits can be selectively bred for in a population of organisms. More genetic diversity that might benefit individuals when environment changes.

A. Asexual reproduction

B. Sexual reproduction​


sexual reproduction

Which of the following factors may contribute to a population maintaining Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

A There are no mutations in the DNA of the population.

B There are individuals migrating into or out of the population.

C The population is interbreeding with another species.

D The population size is very small.



1. There are no mutations in the DNA of the population.*

2. The brown color is an adaptation that is being selected by the environment.

3. The number of individuals displaying each phenotype in both the current generation and the offspring.

4. The recessive phenotype in this population may serve as an adaptation in this environment.

5. A population of turtles that routinely breeds with another closely related species of turtle.


Good luck ♡

Distribution of Traits Quick Check

The factor that may contribute to a population maintaining Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is there are no mutations in the DNA of the population. So, the correct option is A.

What do you mean by Mutation?

The sudden, stable, and inheritable changes in the genetic material of an organism, are called mutations.

There are some assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. They are.

The population is large.The members of the population mate randomly with each other.No migration occurs between populations.No new mutations are favorable. No survival or reproductive advantage.

Therefore, the factor that may contribute to a population maintaining Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is there are no mutations in the DNA of the population.

To learn more about Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium, refer to the link:

Which of the following is the most susceptible to damage by pollution in the air and

A. The roots of trees
B. Trees at high elevations
C. Birds that migrate seasonally
D. Plants that grow in lakes or rivers



B) Trees at high elevations


The atmospheric conditions and precipitation toxicity is most likely to affect trees at high elevations more so than the other answers.

The tree leaves, which are the main key to the tree's photosynthesis, absorb the oxygen and Co2 from the air, which are converted into nutrients. Without proper nutrients, the trees may die out.

A segment of a DNA molecule has the base sequence ATGAAC. Write a shorthand structure for this segment and for its complementary strand, using the symbols D for deoxyribose and P for phosphate.


Answer: See attached picture.


DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is the name for the molecule that contains the genetic information in all living things. This molecule consists of two strands that wind around each other to form a double helix structure.

The basic unit of nucleic acids are called nucleotides, which are organic molecules formed by the covalent bonding of a nucleoside (a pentose which is a type of sugar and a nitrogenous base) and a phosphate group. So each nucleotide is made up of a pentose sugar called deoxyribose, a nitrogenous base which can be adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) or guanine (G) and a phosphate group.

What distinguishes one polynucleotide from another is the nitrogenous base, and thus the sequence of DNA is specified by naming only the sequence of its bases. The sequential arrangement of these four bases along the chain is what encodes the genetic information, following the following criterion of complementarity: A-T and G-C. So the sequence of these bases along the chain is what encodes the instructions for forming proteins and RNA molecules. In living organisms, DNA occurs as a double strand of nucleotides, in which the two strands are linked together by connections called hydrogen bridges.

The chemical convention of naming the carbon atoms in the pentose nucleotide pentose numerically confers the names 5' end and 3' end ("five prime end" and "three prime end" respectively). The 5'-end designates the end of a DNA strand that coincides with the phosphate group of the fifth carbon of the respective terminal deoxyribose. A phosphate group attached to the 5'-end allows the ligation of two nucleotides; for example, the covalent bonding of the 5'-phosphate group to the 3'-hydroxyl group of another nucleotide, to form a phosphodiester bond.

An Electric Current Is Generated When A Coil Of Wire Passes Through A Magneticfield. A Device For Detecting (2024)
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