2 snakes coiled tightly around each other - ladysapphinope (2024)

My singing sisters,

let my Hands


stain the Lyre strings.

That I


tell off the pain

that defended


god of war.

Off the love

that stole

golden Aphrodite's

beloved laughter.

Off my dear daughter


and off

Cadmus, child

that won so much of my love,

I wanna tell.

When my father stole the Phoenician princess,

Europa away from all she had called home,

in beastliy form.

Giving the blame

to my most ruthless son.

Europass cruel father,

in kindniss to her

stole away Cadmus

from the word he loved

to write in Phoenician form.

In blame he send

his son away

allowed only

to return

with what the father

had lost forever.


Cadmus looked at the place

him and his father

wished he has been,

the day his sister was lost.

When Europa's brother

found nothing at the sandy beach

where last the Princess had been seen,

he spent all his wealth to search the seas.

But without success one the wine dark seas,

him and his hand full of man

begann to around

the stones off the hellas.


scared away from his home,

to find his own,

he found

the Oracle of delphi.

The Phoenician Prince

gave to my bright brothers Tempel

all the jewels

and gold

and fine food

and good clothes

and dangerous weapon

that were still in his possession.

Then his knees hit the sand

before the priestess,

he begged, in this forange tongue,

to know,

were to find his dear sister.

The boy drowned in tears

at the Pythia answer, that the god

that gathers clouds

had taken her, and never would give

his dear sister


That it was the god's will

that he would follow a cow

with a half moon on her flank,

wondering though the hellas,

like a homeless man dose.

When the cow would find a place,

to lie down.

That would be his new Home.

There he should build a city.

That one day, there be a city,

called Thebes, in greece.

So Europa's brother,

who would ever find his sister

found the cow

with half moon on her flank.

The Phoenicia Prince

and his man,

who would never return home,

followed the cow

with half moon on her flank.

The enjoyer of languages,

that would never again

hear his mother tongue

from his mother

let his home be found by a cow

with half moon on her flank.

And so the boy

with nothing laved,

but the will of the Gods,

began to build a city

were it was shown by

the cow

with half moon on her flank.


he began preparing

for the sacrifice

off the cow,

to my most beloved sister.

He sent out the few man,

that had followed him

over ocean

and land

until there,

for water.

He waited

as the sacrifice cooked,

and waited

when the meat was cooked

and waited,

still they didn't come.

The phoenician man would never come

to eat with him,

for there has been devoured by my holy serpent,

as there invaded my holy forst.

When Cadmus

who had lost his sister

figured out that

he began to follow

his lost man's footsteps.

He, who has gained the knowledge

that he lost his home,

was with out wanneds,

the orcal had taken them all away.

Still he went course

he lost too,

fear for his live.

What was it to die

now anyway,

for he had lost the rights

to be buried by failure hands

long ago,

he thought.

He graped only a stone.

Cadmus trow it at my serpent,

with out cear if he hit.

But he did,

right in its head.

So the protector of my forest,


As she sprang out of our fathers head,

this way

my sister sprang

in the form off an owl,

and spoke to cadmus then.

With all her wisdom

she ordered the slayer of

the protector of her brothers holy forest,

to rip out my holy spears teeth.

To saw my holy animals teeth

in to my holy ground,

that soldiers for his city

might grow out of it.

But as the spartoi were ready for harvesting,

I full of bloodlust arrived

and staired with anger at

the boy,

stained with my serpens blood.

Europa's brother, did not

beg me for his live.

The homeless boy. did not

fear for it anymore.

The most cunning daughter of the king of the the Gods, instead

cold down my anger.

Convincing her brother, instead

to take him to my house one high Olympus, that he serve me for 7 years.


Cadmus lifted his

much traveled ,young feet

one my chariot,

that brings Fear and Terror in to battle.

So the Olympian son of Zeus and Hera

and the homeless prince

drove the my House,

one high Olympus.

And out of the House of war

stepped, with the joy

of a soldier warking back from battle

to his camp

were a confurting bed awaited,

my dear dauther,

goddess of hermione,

to greet the father.


all in gold like her mother,

wrapped her white arms around me,

delighted in the coming of her dear father

and cadmus, all dirty and


My child in flourishing youth,

smiled at at the mortal boy

with the warm beauty of a small fire in a starless night,

and asked for his story.

Cadmus slayer of my monsters serpent,

smiled back,

like a soldier smiles

at a new comread

when there go into battle,

unsure if there will survive.

So me and mine,

listened to the young phoenician prince

tell us of his suffering

as we ate the nectar and Ambrosia off us gods.


understanding came over me, and

I said to my children

to make him a comfortable room

in this House of zeus oldest son.

The daughter of my

golden darling,

who outmatches fire,

did this with delight.

Leading the homeless mortal to his room

with sweet words,

in the hopes of taking

some of the pain from

Cadmus young heart.

Next morning,

when dawn danced with her rosy fingers through the sky,

Cadmus awoke

in a house a dear friend

called home.

But phobos and Deimos

my darling sons

need more time

not to stay away from

Europa's brother.

That day

Fear and


and a mortal

weren't with me to a battlefield.

It doesn't matter which.

Who won,

I do not cear,

to remember.

I only remember, always,

allowing Cadmus to take home one possion

of the fallen, as he had done got work.

There was a silver studded sword,

finley made for a nobel.

There was good bronze armor,

with a bull on the breastplate.

There was a sterdiy shild,

ornamented with medusa image.

But for himself he chose,


The boy

choose an Armband

with great care, carved

from phoenician gold,

was the image of a serpent

with eyes of Lapis Lazuli.

He took it from Batam,

who had spend most of his life as a Shepherd

letting his sheep eat

near where once Cadmus had delighted in Words.

It had been given to him

not long ago

by Abinadab, above Batam in station

but his equally in love.

The nowdead shepherd

had worn it as a reminder of Abinadab affliction,

that Batam would never agine return.

Cadmus gifted it to Hermonia,

when my battle cheried was driven home,

to my house one high Olympus,

were she stayed

not to offend the maker of her mothers houses.

My dear daughter,


from that day one

took of the mortals gift

of gratefulness.

Everyday the golden snake wrapped around

her lovely white armes, like a lover

warmed by the first flames off love

reapes her armes around the other.

And endless

long thought about


from the boy to the goddess


Worst it became

wenn the cruelest of Hermonias brothers

my darling Aphrodite's favourite son,

stopped his wings,

between which is his quiver

filled with arrows

that the young can't wait to be wounded by, rest,

from flapping and visited us for once.

My father's slaver,

whom I call son, came

and shot

with no care for for consepens

as is dear Eros nature.

After my most ruthless son

had visited the house of his father, were

his sister had served him fine ambroja

and cadmus had served him good nectar

and I had induced dear my son,

the gifts

once in number like

the stones in a river,

became now the river it self.

Both gave the other


from Hephaestus crafty hands or from the battlefield

take hold of

and perfumes in intoxicating scents

and flowers off all colors

and there thoughts, in day and night

and parts of there souls in Words of lovely song,

and all treasure that there would find in the world

and themselves.

My dear child

spend with the boy

whom served Ares all hours

I sheard, the bed of my most beloved

golden Aphrodite.

Were there in ceriched youth

sheard words

and smiled at echother,

like the bravest soldiers do

when there go into battle,

sure there will win honor for there homes.

The goddess stomped in to Cadmus armes,

like fearless soldiers stormed there own city

to conquer it back after invasion,

whenever there had been a time of separation between them.

I let myself be filed by joy

that the dear daughter of Aphrodite

found such pleasure

with the boy

that served me so well,

for what father would disapprove

of such a happy daughter ?

Only seven years did

the mortal founder of thebes

laboured under

the god of war.

Only in the 3

did Europa's brother


to fear

for his live


Only in the 5 kissed


with the gentleness

off death

that comes to a good man

in old age, who lived a long live

with a wife whom he loved


Only in the 7 year

both realize the terror

that soon

the end of his serves would bring to their hearts.

That day off seven year,

when freedom was near,

phobos and deimos brought

the giver of Hermonias

most worn

juwels and smiles,

before me.

My sons,

who now know Cadmus in friendship

stood by his sides

as Hermionas father, know for his cruel nature,

asked what he deserved

for his long services.

The brother who failed

to save his sister

from my cruel father answered:


Cadmus, my

brave soldier,

thought seven years

of being filled with deathless love

all he deserved.

So that father

of unhappy hermonia

dreading the pain off missing him,

asked Cadmus

what he wanned.

The Boy

who had killed

the bloodthirsty Gods holy serpent,

looked at me.

Feat for his live

in battle

with the terror of never seeing

the child off laughter loving Aphrodite


The boy

that Athena had once saved,

stayed silent.

So the god of war

asked cadmus

if wanned the Hand off Hermiona

his serves


from punishment to the bride gifts.


won the battle in

the slayer of the ares serpent,

and he accepted.I made myself ready for the pain of giving away my my dear daughter, with the knowledge it would be her peace.


Cadmus and Harmonia

smiled at eachother

like shildbearing soldiers

coming home

the there city

that there saved.


my golden darling,


in their smiles

like only she could.

She laid all the parts off her that couldn't

aside to ask,

my mother,

the gloryess

cow eyed

goddess, for help.

So the fair Goddesses

plan a wedding


of the grandchild

of the queen of the gods.

In Thebes

that the Spartoy, sprang

from my holy serpents teeth only 7 years ago,

had made now

worthy of a queen.

All the gods came to this,

most happy of occasions,

me with flowers in my hair


feet ready to delight in dancing.

All arrived with joy in there hearts

and gifts in their Hands

for couldn't relish in the Happiness

of this child of Aphrodite ?

Even the husband brought a great gift,

a snake necklace,

in beauty unmatched,

made by the master craftsman


as a nice favor.

And her mother,

great goddess of love,

gave her gift of mortality,

that she might never waste away

in the grief

of missing her dear husband.

Like a snake sheds the skin

that is no longer off use to her,

this way

hermonia shed her Immortality

and all its responsibilities.

Then the daughter of love

danced with her dear husband,

there heart overflowing with such joy,

I could have drowned it

even with the knowledge

I would suffer the grief

of her death, forever.

But my dear child

was as happy

as springs first sunshine is,

so my pain

to come

was a worthy price to pay.

So the God of war

with flower crowned head

joined in delight,

the dance

of gods and mortals

at the wedding of

Cadmus and Harmonia.

The new king and Queen

settled in thebes

and the phoenician alphabet

and Tragdie

with them.


harmonia's daughter,

with the beauty of her grandmother cursed,

got burned away by Zeus love.


Cadmus daughter.

That attracted Hera`s hatred,

frung herself in the sea.

The tragedy of their house

didn't even seem to end

once there became snakes.

Blaming that wrath filled god of war,


in grive

ignort hermonias pleas

and exclimed that

he wished to be a snake too if it was that important,

to the heavens.

Though enough tears

to drown the flowers benefit her feet,

my dear daughter,

that was so unlike the hated god of of war,

watched her dear husband,

become unlike her.

Her greatest joy

now taken away,

in a way

that even death would not give it back,

to my child

that so long ago had set young and happy one

my knees,

she fell to hers.

In my Temple,

hermonia, my own dear child

begged me to chance her too,

so I removed her.

In to my house

one high Olympus, I brought my dear daughter

as she drowned in tears.

Brought all her brothers before her,

even her golden mother,

but not one could stop her

from drowning in her grief.

We are a family of wound givers

after all.

I said that I would transform her,

that she be her husbands ephel agine, a

nd that I bring 2 snakes

to Elysium.

We danced

a last dance of mortals,

like when she had been wed,

a family off painbringers

with tears in their Eyes.

With every step

Hermonia lost some more

off the form

for her now


Wenn the dance was done

I begged hades, whom I give so many souls,

to let these snakes, who are dearer to me

than any other snakes,

in to Elysium.

Now time has taken

the hals there used to be happy in,

their City ruins, my sleep hunted

by tears I don`t know who to blame one,

for who could ever hurt the kindest of my children,

whom now spends forever in Elysium,

2 snakes coiled tightly around each other.

2 snakes coiled tightly around each other - ladysapphinope (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.