The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (2024)

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The gluteus maximus — that’s your butt for the uninitiated — is the largest muscle in your body. Even if filling out a pair of jeans isn’t at the top of your priority list, we can’t stress it enough: Training your glutes is about more than glamor. A strong backside helps you do everything from running, to strength training, to, well … use your imagination.

That said, glute training isn’t grab-and-go. You need the right glute exercises to help boost your performance (and results). On that front, we’ve got your backside covered. Here are our 15 best glute exercises for strength, muscle mass, plus some expert-crafted workouts to try on your next leg day.

15 Best Glutes Exercises

  1. Conventional Deadlift
  2. Back Squat
  3. Hip Thrust
  4. Belt Squat
  5. Romanian Deadlift
  6. Bulgarian Split Squat
  7. Sumo Deadlift
  8. Cable Glute Kickback
  9. Step-Up
  10. Goblet Squat
  11. Good Morning
  12. Kettlebell Swing
  13. Split Squat
  14. Glute Bridge
  15. Curtsy Lunge

Recent Updates: This list was originally curated by Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist Austin Current. The exercise selections were revised and updated on Apr. 5, 2024, by BarBend’s Senior Writer Jake Dickson. The update removed several redundancies and included several new movements that better reflect BarBends ongoing commitment to providing the best evidence-based content to its readers. Read more about that process here.

1. Conventional Deadlift

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (1)
Equipment NeededBarbell, weight plates, belt (optional), straps (optional)
Muscles WorkedGlutes, lower back, hamstrings, core, traps, quads, forearms
Sets & Reps1-3 x 3-6

The conventional deadlift — the king of all deadlift variations — is one of the most popular exercises around, and rightfully so. It challenges the muscles around the hip, knee, and ankle. It also taxes the muscles surrounding your wrist, elbow, and shoulder to hold the barbell, but those joints do not contribute directly to the range of motion. As it primarily focuses on hip extension, you can do deadlifts while training back, legs, or anywhere else it fits nicely in your programming. The raw mechanical tension applied to your backside is unrivaled by most other weight room exercises as well.

How To Do It

  1. Set up for the deadlift by taking a hip-width stance, hinging at the hips, shooting your butt back, and reaching down to the barbell.
  2. Grab the bar with a close grip, just outside your shins.
  3. Flatten your back, pull your chest up, and take a breath in.
  4. Push into the floor with your legs to break the bar off the ground.
  5. As the bar passes your knees, thrust your hips forward and squeeze your glutes to come to a standing position.


  • Make It Easier: Elevate the barbell onto boxes, risers, or plates as needed so you can reach it with a flat back.
  • Make It Harder: Stand on a low riser or pair of weight plates, or perform the stiff-leg deadlift instead.

Coach’s Tip: Take some time to experiment with your starting position to find something that really engages your glutes.

2. Back Squat

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (2)
Equipment NeededSquat rack, barbell, weight plates, belt (optional), weightlifting shoes (optional)
Muscles WorkedQuads, glutes, core, lower back
Sets & Reps2-4 x 3-8

[Read More: The 8 Best Knee Sleeves You Can Buy]

Why Do It: The back squat is a compound exercise that challenges every muscle in the legs, especially the glutes. Its primary use in glute training for powerlifting is to challenge hip extension, driving the lower body up from the bottom position and placing a high amount of tension on the glutes. The back squat leads to strength and muscle gain and reinforces other exercises like the deadlift, split squat, and lunge. It also recruits the core and improves your posture.

How To Do It

  1. Unrack a bar from a squat rack by placing it on your upper back with a close grip and taking one or two steps back.
  2. Take a comfortable stance; place your feet between hip and shoulder-width apart and turn your feet outward to whatever angle feels natural.
  3. From here, inhale into your belly and feel your weight distribute evenly across your feet.
  4. Squat by breaking at your knees and hips simultaneously and sitting down as low as you’re able.
  5. Once you reach the bottom, reverse the motion and stand back up by contracting your quads.


  • Make It Easier: Squatting to a box can help you learn the form of the back squat without worrying about falling down or losing your balance.
  • Make It Harder: Try a three-second eccentric tempo to really light your glutes up.

Coach’s Tip: Squat depth is the most important factor when it comes to engaging your glutes. Try to squat as low as you can with good form.

3. Hip Thrust

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (3)
Equipment NeededWeight bench or plyo box, barbell, bar pad, weight plates
Muscles WorkedGlutes, hamstrings
Sets & Reps3-4 x 6-15

Why Do It: This exercise effectively loads the glutes in their shortened position without loading the spine. What separates the glute bridge from the hip thrust is the range of motion. Folks typically perform glute bridges on the floor, which limits how much you can flex your hips and makes using heavy weights somewhat awkward. Hip thrusts require you to sit up against a bench and offer more range of motion to blast your glutes with. What’s more, thrusts let you apply lots of heavy tension to your glutes while leaving your lower back almost entirely out of the equation.

How To Do It

  1. Sit with your upper back against a weight bench and a loaded barbell in front of you. Roll the bar back until it brushes up your hips.
  2. Bend your knees and plant your feet on the floor to seal the bar into your hip crease. Grab the bar with a wide grip.
  3. Initiate the thrust by pushing your hips upward until your body forms a straight line from your kneecaps to your shoulders.


  • Make It Easier: Try hip thrusts with a dumbbell laid in your lap rather than a barbell.
  • Make It Harder: Do B-stance hip thrusts, staggering your feet and shifting your weight onto one leg at a time.

Coach’s Tip: Place a protective pad on the barbell to avoid hurting your hips and groin.

4. Belt Squat

Equipment NeededBelt squat machine
Muscles WorkedQuads, glutes
Sets & Reps2-3 x 8-10

[Read More: The Big Guide to Muscle Hypertrophy]

Why Do It: The positioning of the load in the hip belt squat allows for a more vertical spine, taking some of the load off the low back, and increased training volume without more wear and tear since the weight is pulling your hips down rather than pressing on your torso.

How To Do It

  1. Stand on the platform and fasten the belt around your hips.
  2. Place your feet to the left and right of the pulley in the platform and place your hands on the handles in front of you.
  3. Engage the pulley system and find your balance. Take a breath into your belly.
  4. Sit straight down, allowing the pulley to guide your movement.
  5. Squat as low as you comfortably can and then push back up to a standing position.


  • Make It Easier: Try standing on weight plates if you’re having trouble squatting down without the pulley system touching the floor.
  • Make It Harder: Pause at the bottom of each repetition, or do one-and-a-half reps.

Coach’s Tip: Think about allowing the pulley system to pull your hips straight down into the bottom of the squat.

5. Romanian Deadlift

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (4)
Equipment NeededBarbell, weight plates, belt (optional), straps (optional)
Muscles WorkedGlutes, hamstrings, lower back, forearms, traps
Sets & Reps3 x 6-12

[Related More: Romanian Deadlift Vs. Deadlift — Which Is Better for Your Program?]

Why Do It: The Romanian deadlift is, essentially, a top-down version of the conventional deadlift. By starting from a standing position and performing a hip hinge until the bar reaches your knees, you apply a lot of mechanical tension to your glutes that you don’t get from regular deadlifts.

How To Do It

  1. Bend over to pick up a lightly loaded barbell and assume a close hip-width stance.
  2. Hinge at the hips, pushing your pelvis backward until you feel a strong stretch in your posterior chain. Let the barbell glide down your thighs.
  3. Thrust your hips forward to return to a standing position.


  • Make It Easier: You can stand with a weight bench between your legs to limit your range of motion while you work on your hip hinge technique.
  • Make It Harder: Hold the bar with a wide snatch grip for some extra upper back training.

Coach’s Tip: The depth of your Romanian deadlifts will depend on how flexible your hamstrings are. Try to hinge over until the bar is roughly knee-level.

6. Bulgarian Split Squat

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (5)
Equipment NeededBarbell in squat rack, plyo box, weight bench, or other surface for your back leg, plus dumbbells (optional), kettlebells (optional)
Muscles WorkedQuads, glutes, core
Sets & Repsglutes, core

Why Do It: The Bulgarian split squat isolates one leg at a time, allowing a weaker leg to catch up in size and strength. The rear foot elevation allows you to sink down into hip flexion more, placing more muscular tension on the glute of the front leg. It’s also a phenomenal exercise for identifying and attacking any side-to-side discrepancies in strength or motor control, improving your balance as you beef up your backside.

How To Do It

  1. Place your non-working leg onto a knee-height bench or box about two feet behind you.
  2. Balance yourself on your working leg with a weight in each hand.
  3. From here, sink your hips down and back, allowing your working leg knee to bend and travel forward as needed.
  4. Reverse the motion by pushing into the floor until your leg is straight.


  • Make It Easier: Stabilize your body by bracing your free hand against a stable surface for balance.
  • Make It Harder: Try pausing at the bottom of each rep, or slowing down your movement tempo.

Coach’s Tip: To emphasize your glutes even more, limit how far forward your knee travels over your toes and actively push your hips backward instead.

7. Sumo Deadlift

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (6)
Equipment NeededBarbell, weight plates, lifting belt (optional), straps (optional)
Muscles WorkedGlutes, quads, hip adductors, lower back, core
Sets & Reps3-4 x 5-8

[Read More: Try This Two-Move Finisher Glute Training Routine]

Why Do It: The sumo deadlift is a widely used exercise with many benefits, especially when it comes to adding strength and size to the lower body. The ultra-wide stance places the hips into external rotation, placing tension on the adductor and glute muscles — most notably the smaller glute medius and minimus. Most people can maintain a more upright torso with the sumo deadlift as well, which is beneficial if you want to minimize loading on your lumbar spine.

How To Do It

  1. Address a loaded barbell by taking a very wide, toes-turned-out stance. Point your feet towards the weight plates and open your hips.
  2. From here, break at the hips and sink down until you can grab the bar with both hands.
  3. Brace for the pull by inhaling air into your stomach, pushing your knees out to the sides, and pulling your chest up.
  4. Initiate the movement by pushing into the floor with your legs and standing up until you can lock your hips out.


  • Make It Easier: You can do sumo deadlifts with dumbbells or kettlebells, starting from the top and working your way down, to improve your flexibility over time.
  • Make It Harder: Try deficit sumo deadlifts, standing on weight plates.

Coach’s Tip: The sumo deadlift has no eccentric phase. Keep your hands on the bar but allow it to fall freely to the floor between reps.

8. Cable Glute Kickback

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (7)
Equipment NeededCable station, ankle strap
Muscles WorkedGlutes, hamstrings
Sets & Reps3 x 15

Why Do It: Glute kickbacks are devilishly effective at growing your glutes because they isolate the muscle; a quality you can’t often find without turning to machines or cables. In this variation, your setup and technique are crucial to the success of the exercise and placing maximal tension where it needs to be. If you can get the angle right, the glute kickback offers unparalleled isolation to your behind through its entire contractile range of motion. Kickbacks make for top-tier finishers at the end of a workout.

How To Do It

  1. Place a strap attached to the cable around the ankle. Keep your back in a neutral position with your abs engaged.
  2. Tilt your body forward and kick your leg behind you while maintaining a slight knee bend.
  3. Raise your leg until you fully contract your working glute while relaxing your non-working leg.


  • Make It Easier: You can do this move with just your bodyweight to help engrain good form in the beginning.
  • Make It Harder: Stand with your non-working leg on an elevated surface to increase range of motion.

Coach’s Tip: Keep your knee straight — but not locked out — for the duration of your set.

9. Step-Up

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (8)
Equipment NeededWeight bench or plyometric box, dumbbells (optional), kettlebells (optional), barbell (optional)
Muscles WorkedQuads, glutes, abdominals, hip adductors
Sets & Reps2 x 15

Why Do It: If you aren’t keen on lunges or split squats but want to train your glutes unilaterally, you can grab a plyo box or weight bench and smash some step-ups. Due to the alignment of this exercise, you can place a lot of muscular tension on the glute max without external load. This exercise has many benefits and can be performed with little to no equipment. All you will need is a step-up box or bench. You can add dumbbells (as shown) for an added challenge.

How To Do It

  1. Start with one foot close to the edge of a knee-height step-up platform or bench, ensuring the whole foot is in contact with the surface, with the other foot hanging off.
  2. Drop the foot to the ground, controlling your body weight with the opposite leg.
  3. Tap the heel of the foot to the ground and drive through the step with the working leg to return back to the starting position.


  • Make It Easier: Lower the height of the surface you step to until it’s accessible for you.
  • Make It Harder: To significantly enhance difficulty, try doing a small vertical hop with your working leg as you stand up, but only if you aren’t using weight.

Coach’s Tip: The higher the surface you step to, the more you’ll engage your glutes due to the added range of motion.

10. Goblet Squat

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (9)
Equipment NeededDumbbell or kettlebell
Muscles WorkedQuads, glutes, core, upper back
Sets & Reps4 x 12-15

[Read More: 2 Front Loaded Squat Variations Every Lifter Needs More Of]

Why Do It: This front-loaded squat variation ensures that the lifter stays upright and is done with either dumbbells or kettlebells, making it manageable and more beginner-friendly. Goblet squats can be added to a larger group of exercises for more leg muscle and endurance for more advanced trainees. But the benefits for beginners are nearly endless; it’s easy to perform, encourages good posture, and serves as a great handshake to squatting in general.

How To Do It

  1. Stand with your feet around shoulder width apart with a dumbbell or kettlebell and hold the weight directly under your chin with your elbows tucked in.
  2. Brace your core, tense your back, and ensure that you feel stable.
  3. Keep your chest up and squat down until both of your legs bend to around 90 degrees. Stand back up by driving through the floor.


  • Make It Easier: You can squat to a box to help limit your range of motion and improve balance if needed.
  • Make It Harder: Try pausing in the bottom position.

Coach’s Tip: Don’t rest the weight on your chest. Actively hold it aloft with your arms and upper back.

11. Good Morning

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (10)
Equipment NeededBarbell, weight plates (optional), squat stand or power rack
Muscles WorkedLower back, glutes, hamstrings
Sets & Reps3 x 10-12

[Read More: Better Glutes, Better Pulls: Glute Training for Powerlifting]

Why Do It: Hip hinge movements like the Romanian deadlift are diabolically effective at building your glutes. However, oftentimes, you must use heavy weights to get the most value out of those movements. This isn’t the case for the good morning exercise. By placing the barbell on your back (instead of in your hands), the resistance ends much further away from your glutes — making the reps much harder. This provides a two-for-one benefit — light weights feel heavy and stimulating while also teaching you how to hinge properly with a braced core.

How To Do It

  1. Unrack a barbell from a squat stand or power rack as if you were going to perform a standard back squat.
  2. Take a close, hip-width stance, then slowly shoot your hips back behind you and descend into a low bow.
  3. Your torso should end up nearly parallel to the floor before you reverse the motion and squeeze your glutes to return to a standing position.


  • Make It Easier: Clutch a sandbag or kettlebell to your chest rather than using a barbell.
  • Make It Harder: Pause in the bottom position.

Coach’s Tip: Avoid training too close to failure on this exercise, as there’s no way to safely dump the weight off your back.

12. Kettlebell Swing

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (11)
Equipment NeededKettlebell
Muscles WorkedGlutes, hamstrings, lower back, core
Sets & Reps4 x 15

Why Do It: Kettlebell swings pull you into a hinged position and require you to generate heaps of explosive power through your hips to finish the rep. This teaches you to flex your glutes rapidly, forcing blood into the muscle and accumulating tons of metabolic stress. The kettlebell swing works well as a conditioning tool or for active recovery.

How To Do It

  1. Set up with a kettlebell between your feet with a shoulder-width stance or slightly wider.
  2. Hinge down to grab the kettlebell and sweep it back between your legs, and then rapidly thrust your hips forward.
  3. The momentum should naturally elevate the kettlebell upward to around belly button height. Allow the bell to fall naturally and kick your hips backward to recycle into the next repetition.
  4. String your reps together smoothly and you’re off to the races.


  • Make It Easier: Do Russian kettlebell swings, which limit the range of motion of the kettlebell to roughly belly button height.
  • Make It Harder: Reduce your transition time as much as possible.

Coach’s Tip: Keep your arms relaxed and tucked to your sides. The height of the kettlebell is irrelevant to this glute training routine.

13. Split Squat

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (12)
Equipment NeededDumbbells (optional), kettlebells (optional)
Muscles WorkedQuads, glutes, abdominals
Sets & Reps3 x 10

Why Do It: Split squats serve as a great introduction to single-leg training. They work your glutes individually, and even light weights (or none at all) will feel challenging. Split squats are also easy to customize — adding a low weight plate as shown above will stretch your glutes a bit more.

How To Do It

  1. Stagger your stance, placing your dominant leg about two feet in front of you. Your back foot should be up, touching the ground only with your toes.
  2. Square your hips, ensuring they’re pointed forward, and lean heavily into your front leg, placing most of your weight on it.
  3. Drop your hips down and forward as low as you can before your back knee touches the floor.


  • Make It Easier: Hold onto something stable with your free hand to reduce the demand on your balance.
  • Make It Harder: Stand with your working leg on an elevated surface to increase range of motion.

Coach’s Tip: Think of your back leg like a kickstand; it’s only there to help you stabilize your body.

14. Glute Bridge

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (13)
Equipment NeededExercise mat (optional), dumbbell (optional), kettlebell (optional)
Muscles WorkedGlutes
Sets & Reps3 x 15

[Read More: 5 Glute Bridge Benefits]

Why Do It: Your glutes perform hip extension; straightening out your legs and torso. This movement pattern isn’t always easy to figure out, and the glute bridge serves as a great teaching tool to help you learn how to use your butt muscles in harder exercises.

How To Do It

  1. Lie on the floor on your back and bend your knees so your feet plant flat on the floor. Relax your arms by your sides.
  2. Lift your hips off the floor by contracting your glutes.
  3. Push your hips up toward the ceiling until your body forms a straight line from kneecap to shoulder.


  • Make It Easier: Try placing your hands on your hips to help guide your motion.
  • Make It Harder: Try doing them one leg at a time.

Coach’s Tip: This is a bodyweight glute exercise, but you can apply some extra load by holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in your lap.

15. Curtsy Lunge

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (14)
Equipment NeededDumbbells (optional), barbell (optional)
Muscles WorkedQuads, glutes, hip adductors, hip abductors, core
Sets & Reps2 x 10-12

Why Do It: Your body isn’t designed to only move forward and backward. Side-to-side and twisting motions occur in the real world — and your glutes need to be prepared to handle those demands. This move also earns points for convenience, it’s a great glute exercise to do at home if you don’t want to head to the gym.

How To Do It

  1. Stand upright with your feet under your hips.
  2. Take a step backward with your working leg, but cross it over and behind you; if you’re using your left leg, step back and to the right.
  3. As you step back, bend both knees and sink into a lunge position.
  4. Reverse the motion, pushing hard into the floor to engage your glutes.


  • Make It Easier: Hold onto something stable with your free hand if necessary for balance.
  • Make It Harder: Try the deficit curtsy lunge, placing your non-working leg on an elevated surface like a weight plate.

Coach’s Tip: This move requires you to work in multiple planes of motion. Start with just your own body weight before adding any extra load until you get the hang of it.

Five Glute Workouts To Try

Glute training has become prominent in the fitness world, but many mainstream exercises and workouts are inherently flawed. Building a rock-solid booty takes a bit more finesse than yet another set of unweighted kickbacks.

Glutes Warm-Up

One of the most effective warm-ups for any muscle group will be the exercises you perform in that day’s training session. For example, if you’re performing back squats, you can warm up by performing light reps and increasing intensity as you proceed toward your working sets.

Here’s a sample warm-up you can use on your next glute-focused workout:

  • 5-10 minutes on the incline treadmill, stair climber, or elliptical
  • 2 sets of 15-20 banded side shuffles, unweighted step-ups, or bridges
  • 1-2 sets of your first compound exercise with the empty bar or light dumbbells

[Related: Prime Your Glutes Using These 12 Warm-Up Exercises]

At-Home Glute Workout

Glute exercises with weights will give you the most bang for your buck. However, you may not have a fully-furnished home gym and might need to resort to some bodyweight glute exercises from time to time. Try these glute exercises at home for your workout:

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (15)
  • Single-Leg Glute Bridge: 3 x 15
  • B-Stance Suitcase Deadlift: 3 x 8
  • Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat: 2 sets to failure

Glute Workout for Beginners

Bilateral bridges, hinges, and squatting patterns are the bread and butter of developing the glutes. In order to get there, early focus should be placed on mastering technique, preventing unilateral differences in skill or strength, and improving hip stability. Since these exercises will become staples for any number of glute workouts, building a strong foundation is critical.

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (16)
  • Single-Leg Glute Bridge: 2 x 12
  • Assisted Split Squat: 3 x 15
  • Goblet Squat: 3 x 10
  • Landmine Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 10

Glute Workout for Strength

Working with free weights like the barbell or dumbbells is the best way to combine strength, skill, and function. Choosing a barbell or dumbbell version of the squat or hinge to primarily focus on while rotating through other methods of challenging the remaining patterns is a great tool for training with long-term progress in mind.

In simple terms; if you want to build strength, you need to perform glute exercises with weights. Compound exercises are preferable here.

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (17)
  • Barbell Squat: 3 x 5
  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 8-10
  • Bulgarian Split Squat: 3 x 8-10
  • Machine Hip Thrust: 3 x AMRAP

Glute Workout for Hypertrophy

Using a leg press to train the squatting pattern, lifting straps for grip on dumbbell or barbell moves, and using machines for burnout are great ways to maximize results over the course of a workout. A mix of all modalities – barbells, dumbbells, and machines — is useful and can be rotated to keep training fun and stimulating.

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (18)
  • Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 8
  • Leg Press: 3 x 8-10
  • Bulgarian Split Squat: 3 x 12
  • Machine Hip Thrust: 3 x AMRAP
  • Back Extension: 2 x 15

Glute Workout for Endurance

Long walks, hiking, or standing for extended periods of time can all challenge the endurance of the glutes. Choosing exercises that mimic and overload those patterns can reinforce proper mechanics when these real-life challenges occur, and also help build a solid foundation of glute development in the process.

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (19)
  • Reverse Lunge: 2 x 10
  • Tempo 1 and ¼ Goblet Squat: 2 x 12
  • Step-Up: 3 x 12
  • B-Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 15
  • Glute Bridge: 2 x 20
  • Stair Climbs: 10 mins

Glutes Anatomy

Your glutes are the largest single muscle in your lower body, and they’re also the most powerful. That said, there’s a lot of booty-related misinformation out there — “upper glute exercises”, “lower glutes”, and so on. These regions aren’t specific muscles that you can target individually. Here’s how your glutes actually work:

  • Gluteus Maximus: The largest and most superficial (close to the skin) of the glute muscles. This region of the muscle does the most work when you perform glute exercises with weights that emphasize hip extension.
  • Gluteus Medius: This muscle is found high on your hip and to the side. Your glute medius is a stability-focused muscle that helps control the movement of your thigh bone in your hip socket.
  • Gluteus Minimus: This tiny, deep muscle in your hip isn’t something you can effectively target in the gym with most exercises. It assists your other glute muscles and helps stabilize the pelvis, preventing it from tilting side to side.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many glute exercises should you do per workout?

The answer depends on your experience and goals. But generally speaking, two to three glute movements per workout should do the trick. Try to incorporate one hinge exercise (such as a Romanian deadlift) and one squat exercise (such as a back squat or lunge) per workout.

What are the best glute exercises?

There’s no single “best” glute movement; you should pick movements that are comfortable for you and that you can progress on. That said, the hip thrust, Romanian deadlift, and Bulgarian split squat are commonly considered to be among the most effective glute workouts for mass out there.

Featured Image: Jasminko Ibrakovic / Shutterstock

The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend (2024)


The 15 Best Exercises for Glutes, Plus 5 Workouts | BarBend? ›

If your goal is to grow your glutes, Weissman says there are three non-negotiable moves for a bigger booty: hip thrusts, Romanian deadlifts, and squats. “We want to prioritize [these three moves] as a means to grow the glutes because they are the ones we can load the most,” she explains.

What exercise works the glutes the most? ›

If you want to build stronger and more performance-driven glutes, I'd recommend the following for a well-rounded routine:
  • Barbell Hip Thrust.
  • Step Up.
  • Reverse Hyper.
  • Romanian Deadlift.
  • Curtsy Lunge.
  • Sprinter Position Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats.
  • Single-Leg Hip Thrust.
  • Dumbbell Frog Press.

What is the number one exercise for the buttocks? ›

If your goal is to grow your glutes, Weissman says there are three non-negotiable moves for a bigger booty: hip thrusts, Romanian deadlifts, and squats. “We want to prioritize [these three moves] as a means to grow the glutes because they are the ones we can load the most,” she explains.

How many exercises is enough for glutes? ›

Within a single week (microcycle) of training, we recommend between 2 and 5 different glute exercises. For example, if you train glutes 3x a week, you can do a heavy deficit sumo pull on one day, a barbell hip thrust on the next day, and a lunge version on the last day for 3 total exercises in the week.

What builds glutes the fastest? ›

The squat tops every list of butt-sculpting exercises. It directly works the glutes. You can build bigger bottom muscles by adding hand-held weights. Form: Slowly lower the hips as if sitting way back in a chair, trying to keep your knees from moving forward toward toes; then return to standing.

What grows glutes the fastest? ›

Exercises and Strategies for a Bigger, Firmer Butt
  • Glute bridge.
  • Jumping squats.
  • Walking lunge.
  • Single-leg deadlift.
  • Clamshell.
  • Banded side step.
  • Donkey kicks.
  • Weight training.
Sep 11, 2020

Does walking lift your buttocks? ›

Walking is absolutely a great form of exercise, and one that doesn't always get a ton of love because it's so chill compared to other forms of exercise, Saltos says. But, rather than building butt muscles, walking can actually make your butt a bit smaller.

How do you hit all 3 glute muscles? ›

Glute bridge

This bridge exercise activates the three major glute muscles. Focus on pushing up by squeezing your glutes rather than using your quads or lower back. This exercise is particularly beneficial to anyone who sits at a desk all day. You should feel it most in your glutes and hamstrings.

What are the three main exercises for glutes? ›

The big three glute-building exercises are squats, hip thrusts, and deadlifts. So if you are short on time, do at least three sets of 10 of these glute exercises. You can add more glute exercises and variations but these three are the best for seeing the biggest results in glute strength and booty building.

How do you activate all 3 glutes? ›

Full Extension Step-Up and Resistance Bands Kickback are recommended for the glute maximus, while Hip Drop and Lift, Toe Up Hip Raises, and Toe Down Hip Swings are suggested for the glute medius. To fix inactive glutes, build a strong mind-to-muscle connection, and consider bodyweight and resistance band exercises.

What is the best time to workout glutes? ›

Doing glute activation exercises as part of your squat warm-up — or even every morning when you wake up — can help your body relearn how to fire up your rear. "I think body-weight glute bridges are one of the best moves for glute activation if you squeeze your glutes really hard at the top," says Wickham.

What happens if I workout my glutes everyday? ›

Okay, yeah, it's a lot more fun to work out every day, but if you're not giving yourself the proper. time to recover, you won't grow your glutes. And when you don't recover properly, it can lead you to not seeing progress. And it can even lead you to feeling exhausted.

Is a 20 minute glute workout enough? ›

If you're looking for a quick answer, here it is. 30 minutes, twice a week, dedicated to glute training will be enough to stimulate muscle growth.

What is the secret to big glutes? ›

Building a firm, toned bum is all about strength, explains Cowan. Squats and lunges might be some of the best moves out there to build muscle in your glutes, but if you want to really shape and change your butt, you need to be adding weight to these moves as well as trying out a variety of different exercises.

Is 3 exercises enough for glutes? ›

Your glutes get worked with just about every leg exercise that you do, so you really only need 3–4 leg exercises per workout. In each workout, I would include: 1.) One squat/leg press variation (back squat, front squat, safety bar squat, goblet squat, hack squat, leg press, etc.)

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.