A GOOD DAY TO BE A DOG. - Chapter 1 - limitlessam - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

this was the worst. the absoulute worst possible scenario.

you were a dog. and not in the metaphorical sense. you were a literal f*cking dog.

you'd triggered it. the family curse. it'd ran in your genes for so long and traumatized every female in your family.

it goes like this:

if you kiss someone you will turn into a dog every night at midnight for 6 hours. the only way to break free from the curse is to kiss the same man again but as a dog.

this was the end result of said curse. your beady eyes start to water as you stare up at your older sister who now looks like a titan in comparison to you. there was only one thought repeating in your head. how the hell were you getting out of this one?!

before things ended up the way that they did, you had been at a izakaya. it was standard to drink with your work colleagues in japan, practically required at times. but usually you would find a way to wiggle your way out of it. mostly because you were scared of getting drunk and deciding you wanted to kiss a random stranger. if you did that you'd either be stuck as a dog for the rest of your life or branded as a freak by a them when you told them they needed to kiss a dog to help you from a curse. this time, though, you had decided the entire world could be damned. you were going to get wasted tonight.

the entire thing was a very bad idea, if you couldn't already tell. the fact that you needed liquid courage to go through it with said more than enough. tonight you were going to kiss someone for the first time in all of your twenty six years of living. you had vowed at the start of your work day that it'd be tonight, teaching your classes on autopilot in anticipation. if there was one thing about you it was that you were damn persistent about things. you were going to confess. forget about the consequences of everything else. he was the most handsome man you had ever laid your eyes on. smart too. the whole package. perfect. just thinking about him could drive your face to flush.

sure, he had a few circulating rumors around the school about him being a womanizer, but if anything that worked in your favor more you guessed. you just wanted to experience your first kiss, and you were hoping so desperately that it would be with someone who wouldn't judge you. someone that has been nothing but kind to you.

something told you that your fellow teacher gojo satoru would be that someone. the ideal partner. he was always sweet towards you at work, though a little insistent with his teasing sometimes. but you always took it in stride. you two seemed to match each others energy so well. one (yourself) might even say it was meant to be. you definitely weren't just a delusional lovesick girl (maybe only slightly). either way, you were confessing tonight. and hopefully getting your first kiss if you weren't rejected. god that would be embarrassing.

the next time he's alone you're taking your chance.

silently agreeing with your resolve in your head, you pick up your previously forgotten glass of beer and chug. your eyes seem to find his blue ones briefly across the table as you lower your glass. he has a warm smile on his face, a slight raise of his light colored brows at your behavior. there's a question in his eyes, probably wondering why you were drinking. because honestly? you never drink. your tolerance is sh*t. but you just give him a shy smile and raise your glass back up to your lips, averting your gaze from his. you were sure if you continued looking at him right now you'd lose all your resolve. so, instead, you decide to distract yourself until you start feeling tipsy.

around an hour passes of you chatting politely with your coworkers until finally you begin to feel the effects of the alcohol you've downed. you wipe the remains of the drinks from your lips, glancing up just in time to see a figure wearing gojo's leather jacket he'd had on all night head out the bar. you turn your head just enough to notice that the spot he'd been sitting in was also vacant.

this was the chance you'd been waiting for!

you turn to the woman sitting on your left, your best friend and colleague, named ieiri shoko. she's the only one besides your sister who knows of your plans for the night. she gives you an amused smile when she pieces together what's happening. she nods her head encouragingly and whispers a 'good luck' to you, bringing her beer back to her dark lips and turning her attention away when you stand up from your seat.

hurriedly you start stumbling out of the bar behind the male. you can do this, y/n! it's not like you've never confessed to someone before, this was just an experience that would hopefully be far different and more meaningful than the other. your first kiss, you wished silently.

try as you might you can't help the fleeting hope resting in your chest. the thoughts of his pink lips crashing into yours, his strong hands holding your face gently as your eyes flutter closed and his breath mingles with yours.

you rush out the door with the picture still fresh in your head. the figure of what you assume to be gojo was standing outside, leaned against a building casually while scrolling through his phone. everything was swirling together, the bright lights of shinjuku looking far brighter than you were used to as your vision went in and out of focus. you slapped your hands on your face, attempting to strengthen yourself enough to approach him and also wake yourself up a bit. this would be a moment you couldn't allow yourself to forget.

slowly, you make your way towards his figure before coming to a halt short of a few feet infront of him. of course, you almost fell forward with the amount of effort it took to stand up straight in your drunkenness. maybe you should've laid off a little on the beers. you think begrudgingly. he still wasn't looking up at you, abosrbed entirely on his phone still. part of you felt a twinge of nervousness at this. but the less sober part of you decided it wouldn't allow that emotion to take place, however. you cleared your throat a little to get his attention. it worked. he looks up from his phone and finally notices you. he pockets the device quickly, staring at you in question with a slight look of concern visible. you think. it's getting harder to see things with how hazy everything is.

huh. this is usually the part where gojo would make a loud joke about me almost busting my ass while standing still and being sh*tfaced drunk. maybe he's a little drunk too. you reason to yourself.

"hey!" you yell at him. f*ck. that came out far louder than you wanted it to. your voice sounded grating even to your own ears. he raises an eyebrow at you. you continue despite the feeling of lightheadedness and embarrassment settling in. you needed to continue before you make a fool out of yourself. "i .... need to talk to you...." a hiccup leaves your mouth involuntarily at the end and you cringe, cheeks flushed a ruby shade of red. everything feels hot.

he still says nothing. you take this as an invitation to say what you need to. you look down at your shoes, the pavement a welcome distraction from having to make any eye contact with the male while saying these next words out loud. "i ...... really like you, gojo-san... i have for a while now, actually..." you nibble on your bottom lip and look back up. you blink and swear that his figure changed for a moment through the fogginess of your vision. must just be the alcohol. or you're losing your mind from the anxiety. either way... "please.... will you accept my feelings? ... you don't have to give me an answer right now! but..." you're really drunk. and mumbling the last part. even your drunk mind can notice it. before you can stop yourself you do the one thing that you're sure will show how you truly feel in the moment. you move closer to him in one quick motion, tilting your head up and crashing your lips into his. you're sure there's sparks. the airflow feels like it's stopped. no, time itself has stopped. and your mind is perfectly blank. you can feel him suck in his warm breath but you barely even register anything other than the sensation of his perfectly soft lips against your own. it feels so nice.

then it's over faster than it even began. you're aware of him tensing with the contact and when you pull away you realize something as the adrenaline from the first kiss of your life sobers you finally and your head clears.

was not.
gojo. satoru.

it was getou suguru, his best friend. and another one of your coworkers. that'd you'd barely ever spoken to in your three years working as a teacher with him. you'd just practically kissed a stranger.

your hands fly up to your lips as you stare at him with your mouth hanging open. his pupils were blown wide and he was staring right back at you in complete shock. "i....." you want to say so many things. apologize countless amounts of time. but you're already running on borrowed time now. the last time you had checked the clock it was already late. you were sure it was close to midnight now. and you kissed someone, so there were consequences that needed to be paid quickly after it. "i'm so sorry!" you blurt out fast and start doing the only thing you can think of. running away. leaving your bag that had your cellphone in it behind in the building. forget everything! you'd manage to f*ck things up so quickly that it'd sobered you almost instantly with fear. the image of getou's shocked face was all you could see in your head as you keep running, ignoring the calling of your name distantly behind you. the wind whips your hair and flushed cheeks as you sprint. you needed to make it home. and fast. before it was too late and you were just another stray dog on the street. this sucked. really. really. badly.

you turn another corner and finally see the view of your apartment complex in the distance. almost there. you think. then it happens. so fast that even your brain couldn't keep up. you were suddenly meeting the ground. part of you assumed you'd tripped if you didn't know any better. but when you briefly looked down you saw how short and furry your little legs were. you were a dog, you realize in horror.

you were out of time.


A GOOD DAY TO BE A DOG. - Chapter 1 - limitlessam - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.